Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm losing my teeth!

Today, Mommy noticed that I was doing something funky with my tongue. She came over to me and started chuckling and then saw something fall from my mouth! It was a TOOTH:) This is my third one that I have lost in the past week or so. Where's the tooth fairy?!?!?! Geesh, she must not come for doggie teeth:( But anyways, Mom says I am getting to be a big girl and it's making her sad how time is flying. I'm 6 months old now and now weighing 2.4 lbs. I'm growing into a young lady:)


  1. Yay for losing your baby teeth..I had to have mine pulled out by the VET because only one fell out by itself.

  2. Oh really?! Wow, I've never heard of that! Poor Draco!!
